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Aura Cleanse

Have you ever found yourself feeling sick often, stressed, irritated and unable to sleep no matter what you try?

That’s a classical sign of body and mind exhaustion aka burn out syndrome.

Self love, self care and taking intentional time to rest are essential to avoid and replenish yourself during or after a burn out phase.

One of my personal favorite ways to self care is Aura Cleansing.

Try it out and let me know about your experience.

Let me first explain what I mean.

Your Aura is the energy field that surrounds your body. It acts as a magnetic field of energy that picks up emotions, health and circumstances around you. Your aura can experience stress as you exchange energies with people you engage with. This is why regularly cleansing your aura is beneficial.

There are many ways to cleanse your aura including smudging, chanting mantras, walking in the rain, and my personal favorite, Aura cleansing showers.

Aura cleansing showers is quick, easy to incorporate into your routine and incredibly relaxing.

Step into the shower, close your eyes and stand under the water allowing the water to encompass your body like a waterfall. Stretch your hands as high as you can while you’re under the water.

Imagine all negative thoughts and energy leaving through your toes while new energy goes in through your fingertips. As the water falls visualize your body and watch the old energy, illness, negativity, burdens, fears, limiting beliefs - being washed away down the drain.

You can do this for as long as you want, and end the cleanse when you’re satisfied with the new ‘feeling’ in your body.

I personally like to diffuse some Eucalyptus oil next to the shower and spray myself with Halo Cleanse before I step in. I also like to say a mantra.


And always remember, self love is not self indulgence, it’s self perseverance. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. 

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